Howard Wimer

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 Conventional Wisdom vs.
The Reality of Hunches


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To book an interview or for publicity questions:

Contact:  Howard Wimer

Phone:  (949) 474-5542

Cell:      (949) 689-7562


Oprah & Friends

Howard Wimer says that each of us has a sense of inner guidance that can help us live a successful life.  Listen to an excerpt from "The Jean Chatzky Show" on XM Radio.

Howard's New Book

Howard Wimer is the author of Inner Guidance and the Four Spiritual Gifts

About Howard Wimer

Howard Wimer (pronounced "Wy-mer") is a dynamic lecturer and the author of "Inner Guidance and the Four Spiritual Gifts." He has been involved in the personal growth field for more than 30 years.

Starting out as a musical arranger and film producer, Wimer eventually became personal assistant to Steve Allen, creator of the Tonight Show on NBC.

Wimer is the founder and president of Inner Expansion Workshops and Inner Expansion Virtual University and has appeared as a special guest on hundreds of radio and television programs throughout the United States, Canada, the Caribbean, Europe, Australia and New Zealand.".

Your Intuition is Your Greatest Strength

Everyone Gets 80 To 90 Hunches Every Single Day. Learning how to listen and trust these hunches enhances your life, helps you feel better about yourself and helps create better relationships in all areas of your life.

The Secret to Finding Your True Personality and Getting Along With Everybody whether it is your spouse, kids, in-laws or your boss!

The Four Special Gifts We All Possess and how to follow your own inner guidance to be loyal to yourself and get along with everyone you meet.

Men Use Their Intuition Just as Much as Women. It's just that they don't call it that. Men refer to hunches, impressions, gut feelings and reactions.

What Color is Your Personality? Learn what it means to be a purple, yellow, red or blue!

How to Trust Your Hunches More in your personal, professional or social life to enhance your relationships with everyone.

You Have Intuitive Powers But May Not Realize It. Learn about the four different ways you already receive inspiration and direction in your life.

How To Communicate With Everyone

The 4 Key Ways People Learn and how to help your kids make better grades as a result in school.

The 3 Little Words Responsible for Divorce In Our Society Today. What you *expect *assume and *demand of yourself and your partner!

Why Women Want to Date (or Marry) A Man Who Makes Them Laugh.  Forget a rich guy...find out the secret to a woman's basic need in every relationship.

Why Are We Attracted to Some People and Wary of Others? The answer lies in the four personality types, how to recognize them and how to communicate with each of them.

How to Bond With Your Kids No Matter How Old They Are and why some parents make the mistake of treating theirs like pets!

Do Couples Need To Have The Same Interests? Why it's true that opposites attract and why admiration is the cornerstone of every great relationship!

Making The Most of the Holidays

Did You Know It Takes 3 Months to Recover from the Holidays? Learn how to avoid getting emotional and bypass the pressures caused by family and job during what is supposed to be the most festive time of the year.

How to Tap into your Intuition to Buy the Perfect Gift for Everyone in Your Family. By understanding the four ways everyone communicates, you can save time and money and pick out the present that will be talked about all year long!

What is the greatest gift you can give to your family during the holidays?   Yourself, of course!

Business People Are Sensitive, Too

How to figure out how to communicate with your boss and impress him or her with your total understanding of how to communicate and work with them.

The 7 keys to becoming a great leader. Being an accomplished follower is just the beginning.

Why do some teams workand others don't. How to bring out everyone's unique personal strengths and what they bring to the team.

How men and women treat money and investing differently. Learn how understanding the gender gap can make you even more successful than you already are.

Why some people make better business owners and entrepreneurs. The four personality types and what makes each one successful in finding their niche.

Life - As A Practical Matter

Does Our Personality Determine the Foods We Eat? And why some people indulge to cover up their emotions and how to act rather than react to pressure in our daily life.

The 60-Second Relaxation Cure. A simple technique anyone can do at home or in their car to release the stress and the pressure caused by juggling family and professional obligations.

How To Avoid Mid-life Crisis and do your greatest work in the process!

What Older People Need to do to Live Longer And Happier Lives. The keys to being more involved in life (hint: "retirement" is just a state of mind or being.

The 7 Steps to Having Total Balance In Your Life and be the Best Person You Can Be. Start by accepting yourself for who you really are, followed by organizing yourself to get everything you want and need in your daily life.

Everyone receives 80 to 90 hunches and inspirations per day. Help your audience make sense them!

Hunches and inspirations are what energize us, fuel our creativity, and give us clear and positive direction, but only if we listen to them. Often we're so busy that we don't tune in to what our inner guidance is telling us, or when the messages do get through we often choose to discount them.

Imagine what it would be like to have your life flow more smoothly because you are alert and attentive and act on the inspirations you receive on a moment by moment basis. You can do just that by heightening your inner sensitivity, trusting your true feelings and relating to yourself and others through your own innate style of inner and outer communication.

All of this is possible by tapping into your personal communication system, and Howard Wimer can show you and your audience/readers how to do just that!

Note to Producers

Howard Wimer is extremely flexible and can do last-minute interviews when hosts have cancellations.

He especially enjoys call-ins, emails and interacting with a live studio audience.

If you would like to request an interview with Howard now, please fill out the form below or call or email Howard Wimer using the contact information from the left hand column of this webpage.

Interview Request Form


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To book an interview or for publicity questions, contact:  Howard Wimer | Phone:  (949) 474-5542 | Cell: (949) 689-7562